A Design News

A Design News

A Design News featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Cliff House

This is a fishing cabin with a mountain view, on the bank of Heaven River (‘Tenkawa’ in Japanese). Made of reinforced concrete, the shape is a simple tube, six meters long. The roadside end of the tube is counterweighted and anchored deep in the ground, so that it extends horizontally from the bank and hangs out over the water. The design is simple, the interior is spacious, and the riverside deck is open to the sky, the mountains and the river. Built below the road level, only the roof of the cabin is visible, from the roadside, so the construction does not block the view.

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CP-009 is a bike rack composed of two materials, recycled aluminum cast body and the upper part has a EPDM rubber surface whose objective is to protect your bike from scratches, both materials are fused in the same attractive, strong and functional geometry. The bike rack occupies little space and has the capacity to park two bicycles without them falling over. this product contribute to an orderly public space and encourage use of the bicycle as a means of non-motorized transportation.

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Various Stars

Chongqing Xinhua Sincere Center Sales Office can be described as a combination of contemporary aesthetic and artistic interests. How to match the macro orientation of its comprehensive commercial body is the core of the design. Designer creatively introduce interconnect thinking and integrate luxury shopping scenes to present an unparalleled spatial experience.

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Three-dimensional textile surface realized through the manipulation of the screen-printing technique. The textile has a parametric pattern, and a customized coating mixture matched to a smooth base fabric, that gives to the textile an exclusive tactile sensation. The features of this fabric are highlighted by applying it to a wearable context to give the wearer a different sensorial experience related to the interaction with the body through the sense of touch.

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One Year Project

“One year project” as the name indicates “move with times” which means that it took entire one year to experience the whole process such as tree cutting, sawing, fabrication, and assembling together with nature.The structure design is impressive that steel posts are standing from the local Inawashiro volcanic rocks directly used for isolated footings which protect it from 2m-high snow load in winter. Various angles of posts are just like the trees in this forest which implies that it's a new start to build a new relationship with nature to borrow instead of to take.

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Yuanlu Community Center

Yuanlu Community Center is next to Longxing Ancient Town, Chongqing, China.As the designer team have reinterpreted modern architectural aesthetics by designing authentic structure and space in an extremely modern way, the integrity and authenticity of the building from inside to outside will make people feel its beauty of morality and integrity. Furthermore, based on the changing structural form, the integration and interaction of functions, spaces, materials and structures with people are gradually unfolded, thus to exhibit the elegance of the building in natural light!

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