A Design News

A Design News

A Design News featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


tianjin vanke jade avenue sales office

Yet small with its two entrances and three distinct layers of arches that differ by depth, height and width, the Tianjin Vanke Jade Avenue Sales Center, located in the Qingxi district of Tianjin, China, was treated, from a lighting point of view, as a key project by taking advantage of the waterscape to virtually double its volume with a simple and functional lighting design which ensures that visitors are welcome in a space that has the potential to become part of their future housing compound.

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Tangxing No.5

The unique merit of this case design is that plenty of moso bamboo(also called phyllostachys pubescens) will be used for interior decoration.Given the oversized space, so this design aims to alter the original void and dull space into a comfortable and luxuriant place by adopting scattered space and planar separator.The design selects natural moso bamboo,white cement as its materials, the ground put to use nature stone partly and log floor mostly.

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Villa AT

Villa AT is located on a high vantage point, with an L-shaped floor plan pivots around a long curved glass façade, offering cinematic views of the landscape. The house stands in contrast to these boxy, conventional forms with a curving façade that uses wood in a fluid, contemporary way. Thin timber slats gently curve around the façade to create strong but soft forms. From a distance, the Villa AT has a serene, minimal appearance, but up close the rough texture of timber slats become apparent.

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WKS Group

The WKS Group focuses on rotary web offset printing in German-speaking Europe and environmental protection plays a central role within their company. Since the goal was to make their new environmental statement available primarily as a digital publication, the analogue, haptic world (paper structure, cut edges, etc.) was transported into the digital world. For the individual chapters, environmental symbols were made of paper collages, photographed and used as key visuals. At the same time, the linear graphics and illustrations form a design counterpoint to the factual part of the explanation.

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daVinci SP

The da Vinci SP® surgical system is an advanced, robotic-assisted platform for minimally invasive surgery. It acts as a natural extension of a surgeon’s eyes and hands through a combination of cutting-edge robotics, 3DHD stereoscopic vision, and intuitive human-interface controls. The da Vinci SP system provides surgeons with technology designed for deep and narrow access to tissue in the body, delivering all of this capability through a single small incision.

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Project EGG

Project EGG is the largest community 3D printed object to date. Hundreds of people form all around the world 3D printed a stone, together forming this unique pavilion. Every 'stone' is unique and different. in return everyone that collaborated in this way got their name in the stone. An object like EGG would have never been made 'the old way'. The building itself is constructed with 4760 stones that are all different. Not one is the same as the other.

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